Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beauty tips for Lips

Lips are the blessings of God, and the very important fraction of face. We can eat, smile, and talk with most important tip is that drink abundance of water or else your lips will be dehydrated and dry, and your face look will fussy. Eating a lot of emerald vegetables and fruits is able to make your lips reddish. You should never use alcohol at all since it increase dehydration in body and as well, as lips. So keep barely away from this kind of things.
Especially in winter, lips obtain dry cause of dehydration because everybody in this season drinks less water so the outcome is that not only lips but also whole body will effect by it. Do not ever lick your lips for charitable wetness; this technique will raise too much dryness on lips. Also, keep away from biting the lips because it is worse than licking the lips, it is a bad habit and lips are able to damage doing it.
Always use lip balm to defend your lip. Fuel jelly is able to be use for lips; it can provide soothing feeling for lips and prevent to be dehydrated. Lips need daily care. If you want, your lips spongy then use mixture of almond oil, honey, and apply on lips daily. Red lips look pretty, in this case, you take petals of Gulag, mash them, and mix them in milk, this paste put on your lips, and your lips would be red.

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